Apps that allow transparency for business AND tech
Working collaboratively with large scale enterprises, we have crafted a set of solutions that allow the best of both worlds; building plug-ins for current agile tooling that enable work to be organized horizontally and yet still give stakeholders the information needed to visualize and manage their Value Streams.
Virtual Program Board
We created a plug-in we call the Virtual Program Board to solve the problem of visualizing the whole PI/release plan across different workspaces with scope attached to dispirate heriarchies. This plug in will allow you to tag milestones, features, and user stories to a PI or release regardless of how you’re organized, giving you a full view of your plan that is updated in real time.

Virtual Release Burn Up
This app was created to address the need for virtual containers in modern agile tooling. Organizational complexities often create the need for multiple stakeholders to have their own view of all the work taking place in their world, but most agile tools on the market today allow for any scope item (user story, feature, etc.) to be associated with only one parent in the hierarchy and only one time box.

The features of the app are:
- A complete release burn up chart for work both internal and external to your organization using story points or story count
- Ability to filter results by every group you are collaborating with allowing:
- Identification of which platform/team’s scope changed
- Teams and platforms supporting multiple initiatives get a new view they’ve never had before – a burn up chart towards each initiative they support
- A Cumulative flow diagram to help add context
- Are stories not being accepted in a timely fashion?
- Are the teams managing their WIP? (Work In Progress)
Initiative Allocation & Capacity
This app was created to help platforms and other technology organizations easily understand how they’re allocated across the many products they support from both a scope and capacity perspective. Even in the most mature of cases where there is full organization around value streams, platform integrity and architectural runway in support of both those value streams and changing technologies are still important.