The Problem: 

  • Employees struggle to connect with the organization’s purpose,

  • Organizations lack the tools to address a growing lack of enthusiasm, dedication and focus.


According to Gallup’s State of the Global Workplace report, an astounding two-thirds of workers around the globe are disengaged at their workplace. Worse, 39% of these employees are unaware of their company’s goals & objectives, and a concerning 44% are in the dark about how their role contributes to the achievement of these goals.

The solution: 

Reengage employees with Sustainable Agility by using our Health Assessment tools

Agility is poorly understood.

Many organizations hope to use it to improve metrics like throughput, cost, and time to market, but Agile was only designed to deliver results by prioritizing the well-being and performance of people and teams.

Sustainable agility isn't about being faster.

It’s about getting better results by creating a culture and cadence that nurtures creativity, passion, and collaborative teamwork. Agile results are predicated on teams, and the individuals within them, being healthy, engaged, and thriving.

Organizations need to deliver:

  • Shared Purpose - Clear, aligned goals and objectives at multiple levels of scale shared by all individuals, teams and stakeholders
  • Autonomy – the ability to determine how best to achieve goals at the individual level
  • Mastery – a sense of every individual’s ability to make a difference using their unique skills and abilities
  • Clarity - clear connection between one’s efforts and the results that benefit the organization
  • Trust - the combination of all of these traits build trust which promotes transparency and greater engagement.

Tap into Discretionary Energy

Thriving individuals possess what Susan M. Heathfield termed "Discretionary Energy;" energy that drives employees to go above and beyond the expectations of their roles. It is the passion that leads one to offer more than what's just required. When teams tap into this energy, it’s not only the company that benefits, each individual will experience greater levels of satisfaction engaging with both their professional ambitions, and their personal passions.

Harness this untapped energy with our core Individual Health assessment.

This comprehensive evaluation reveals how to best support employees, so they can be the best version of themselves.

With this assessment, organizations can collaboratively create a health improvement backlog focused on the areas that deliver the most significant impact to both employee well-being and their connection to delivering on the organization’s purpose.