In order for the team to review the work done in the previous Sprint/Iteration, a Sprint/Iteration Review is held. Note that this is not the occasion for the team to present the work to the Product Owner.
This Review meeting should be scheduled for the first available time slot after the end of the previous Sprint/Iteration and last 30 minutes for a single team, or up to 30 minutes per team for multiple teams in a single program. It is common for teams to schedule the first 30 minutes of their Sprint Planning meeting to review the previous Sprint.
The predecessors to the Sprint/Iteration Review is that all previous Sprint/Iteration activities are completed and updated in your agile tool of choice, the whole team including influencers and dependents are invited to the meeting, and all code is checked-in and built into an environment/sandbox different from the development environments.
Inputs to Sprint/Iteration Review: Rally dashboard, Sprint/Iteration & Release updates, statuses, and metrics; Delivered code and its functional details
Output of Sprint/Iteration Review: Review comments/feedback; Action items
Sprint/Iteration Review process consists of the following steps.
- The Scrum Master, acting as the facilitator, sets the stage and the tone for the meeting.
- The Product Owner(s) talk(s) about the progress made by the team in terms of functionality and also discuss the status of the release goals. (Example: “In this sprint, we have finished developing the “Address Change” feature. With that, we have accomplished our release goal of completing the “Customer Profile Update” functionality.)
- The Scrum Master(s) present(s) their team statistics like Defects, Code Coverage, Code Reviews, Broken builds, % completion, Burndown information, etc.
- Any incomplete Stories are returned to the Backlog, or moved to the next Sprint as appropriate.
- The team’s Velocity is recorded and used to plan forward.
At the end of the review, Sprint planning [1] typically commences.